
Contacting Us

If you have any questions or queries about our training platform, please contact us here.

As we are a small office, we aim to respond to all queries within 3 business days. Thank you for your patience.

Please see our FAQ’s below that may assist with your query.

FAQ’s / Troubleshooting.

Having problems accessing or using the system? Try these popular questions and if you’re still struggling, do contact us above.

  1. Login won’t accept my email address. If you’ve never accessed the courses before, you will need to register first. You can do this as you enroll on a course. If you have registered before, the system should remember your email, so do check for typos.
  2. I’ve forgotten my password. Please use the ‘Forgotten password’ option on the login screen to generate a new one straight to your inbox.
  3. When I click away from the notes section onto questions or other sections, the video disappears or stops working. This is a common report, however the system should only show the video on the notes page, so please do watch the video on the notes section before continuing.
  4. I can’t go on to the next lesson / “Mark Completed” is greyed out. You will need to watch the full video in order to progress to the next lesson.
  5. Is there a written version of the notes to print? Yes, please click on the “Materials” tab at the top of each lesson to download the PDF notes for each course.